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Regulation Lore *

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Welcome to Regulation Lore

This is a fan-made site bringing you the deep lore behind the nothing.

This site is still under construction and will continue to grow.

Today's Random Dictionary Entry

Word: 5124877977

Pronunciation: /faɪv wʌn tuː fɔːr eɪt sɛvn sɛvn naɪn sɛvn sɛvn/

Part of Speech: Noun phrase

Definition: Andrews Austin number used to prank and annoy people.

Example Sentence: I am getting a call from an Austin number it's 5124877977.

Category: Inside Jokes/References

Show: F**kface

Today's Random BlankGuy Entry

Quote: I'm not a pickle guy

Episode: 8

Time: 9:52

Show: F**kface